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Tuesday 12 August 2014

Reactions of Calcium Compounds

Making Limewater-

Limestone is a raw material used in manufacture of concrete, which, when heated, calcium carbonate it contains forms calcium oxide.

Calcium Carbonate ----> Calcium Oxide + Carbon Dioxide
CaCO³(s) ------> CaO(s) + CO²(g)

When water is added to calcium oxide a lot of heat is released and calcium hydroxide, a crumbly white solid, forms in the reaction.

Calcium Oxide + Water -----> Calcium Hydroxide
CaO(s) + H²O(l) ------> Ca(OH)²(s)

Calcium Hydroxide dissolves when more water is added forming a solution, commonly known as limewater.

A Test For Carbon Dioxide-

Limewater turns milky in the presence of Carbon Dioxide because white insoluble calcium carbonate forms:

Calcium Hydroxide + Carbon Dioxide -----> Calcium Carbonate + Water
Ca(OH)²(aq) + CO²(g) ------> CaCO³(s) + H²O(l)

Neautralising Acids With Limestone-

*Acids are neutralised by alkalis, called a neutralisation reaction. 
*Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Oxide and Calcium Hydroxide can neutralise acids.
*If, for example, farmers need to reduce the acidity of their soil, they could spray any of the powdered chemicals mentioned over their fields.

*Coal naturally contains sulfur and compounds.
*When coal burns the sulfur forms sulfur dioxide.

Sulfur + Oxygen -----> Sulfur Dioxide
S(s) + O²(g) ------> SO²(g)

Key Words:

Neutralisation Reactions


1) What is the test for carbon dioxide?
2) Which calcium compounds can be used to reduce soil acidity?
3) How do they reduce acidity?

What you should know:

  • 2.14 Be able to describe the effect of water on calcium oxide to form calcium hydroxide ('slaked lime')
  • 2.15 Be able to describe how calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to form a solution, known as limewater.
  • 2.17 Be able to explain how calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate can be used to neutralise soil acidity.
  • 2.18 Be able to explain how calcium carbonate can be used to remove acidic gases from coal-fired power station chimneys, reducing harmful emissions and helping to reduce acid rain.

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